A Jeans Makeover

About Me
A Jeans Makeover

Like many other people, I absolutely love wearing jeans. Regardless of whether I’m attending church services on Wednesday nights, enjoying a date night with my husband, or taking my dog to the veterinarian, I slip on a comfortable pair of jeans. However, I’ve recently become bored with my current collection of these popular pants. All of the jeans in my closet are blue. And, most of them are of the boot-cut variety. Therefore, I plan to make some changes this fall. I would like to experiment with different colors and cuts of jeans. On this blog, you will discover the latest trends in jeans for the fall and winter months. Enjoy!


What Innovations Might Help You Quit Smoking?

12 October 2015
 Categories: Shopping, Articles

If you've been a smoker for decades, you might have purchased just about every stop-smoking aid on the market over the years in an attempt to quit your habit but with no lasting success. The physical and psychological addiction to cigarettes can be one of the most difficult ones to escape -- in fact, cigarettes have been found to be equally as addictive as heroin and other "hard" drugs, and even more addictive than alcohol. Read More …

Baby Carriers & Halloween Costumes: 9 Unique Ideas For Parents

1 October 2015
 Categories: Shopping, Articles

Babywearing is a great way for parents to bond with the child and helps the child be calm during all types of situations. On holidays like Halloween, wearing a baby in a carrier can go one step further by expanding your costume design into the carrier itself. When shopping for infant costumes, you do not only get to dress your baby up, but you can find a matching costume to help create a great theme for you and the child. Read More …

Sustainable Performance: Keep Your Company’s Office Supplies Safe And Ready For Action

28 September 2015
 Categories: Shopping, Articles

Studies indicate that more than 60 percent of employees admit to stealing office supplies for personal use at home. Anything from pens and white-out to pads of paper and staples seem to be fair game, which can result in budgeting and profiting problems in the long run. There also tends to be a risk of misuse when it comes to employees utilizing supplies, simply because they aren't considered important or personal to most people. Read More …