
About Me
A Jeans Makeover

Like many other people, I absolutely love wearing jeans. Regardless of whether I’m attending church services on Wednesday nights, enjoying a date night with my husband, or taking my dog to the veterinarian, I slip on a comfortable pair of jeans. However, I’ve recently become bored with my current collection of these popular pants. All of the jeans in my closet are blue. And, most of them are of the boot-cut variety. Therefore, I plan to make some changes this fall. I would like to experiment with different colors and cuts of jeans. On this blog, you will discover the latest trends in jeans for the fall and winter months. Enjoy!


Upgrading Your Action Camera? Take The Old One To A Pawn Shop

28 April 2023
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

A lot of action camera enthusiasts upgrade their gear regularly. Some action camera companies come out with new cameras every year, which means that there are always new and enticing products to check out. If you're about to buy the latest action camera, you shouldn't let your older model gather dust in your home. Unless you have a plan to use it, it can be a good product to sell at a local pawn shop. Read More …

Four Ways Delta 8 Products Can Enhance Your Life

17 February 2023
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Many people have a desire to both look and feel like their best selves. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can go about achieving this goal, and one of these methods comes in the form of Delta 8 products. Delta 8 offers a line of THC products that can provide users with a list of benefits to help them move towards feeling and living their best. If you share this goal, learn more about what this line of products can do for you. Read More …

Reasons Why A Custom Journal Is A Great Gift For Any Occasion

3 January 2023
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

It is not always easy trying to come up with the perfect gift for someone you love. In fact, searching for a gift can sometimes cause anxiety. Will they like the gift? Is it something they want, need, or can use? Is it within budget? Fortunately, a custom hard-cover journal may be the answer you need for any gift-giving occasion. A journal provides incredible benefits which makes it a great gift option. Read More …

A Quick Guide To Elite Shungite Necklace Options

22 August 2022
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

The elite shungite stone includes rich colors and a natural formation that really stands out among other natural stones. When you purchase elite shungite, you have many display options to consider. You could display the stones in your home or choose to wear the stones in the form of a necklace. If you want large elite shungite stones in the form of a necklace, follow this guide to learn more about the stones and what to expect when you shop for necklaces. Read More …

A Quick Guide To Charity Shopping & Ways To Spend A Little Extra Money

30 June 2022
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

When you shop to provide cancer support, every penny goes a long way to help those in need. When you can find ways to earn extra money and spend a little more, the whole process is worth it and feels good in the long run. As you embark on a charity online shopping experience, check out this quick guide to learn about some ways to stretch each dollar and have some extra ways to spend. Read More …